C4DI and IT@Spectrum: Unlock profits in retailing using advanced statistics, ’Big Data’ and your brand.
Wednesday June 3rd 4pm
C4DI, Wykeland House, 47 Queen Street, The Fruit Market, HU1 1UU
Who should attend?
Business owners, senior management, managing directors, marketing directors and teams, across all industry sectors.
IT directors, people responsible for technology and innovation
Who's speaking?
Hedley Aylott is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Summit will demonstrate how cutting edge predictive analytics is being used to optimise online marketing campaigns by predicting customer behaviour with incredible results.
David Keel, Global Innovations Director of Trident, will talk about how his business has pivoted from working in one of the World’s most traditional industries to becoming one of the most advanced digital businesses in the area, simply by leveraging the data that existed within the organisation.
Stuart Carlisle, MD Ebuyer will give valuable insight into a national strategy and the importance of your brand.
An onsite look at @The Dock, the new home of the C4DI - see and hear how the Fruit Market is being transformed.
After party and drinks at the legendary Thieving Harry's on Humber Street. Music provided by LabelWORX, Europe's leading digital label services providers.