
FinTech success! International member One Call continue to make great strides.

Founder and multiple Tech entrepreneur Gohar Sultan has achieved an immense breakthrough over the last four weeks. Both Director of International business development, Bob Spence and Community Manager, Louise Cooke are thrilled with the progress that the One Call team are making.

Gohar previously worked with Bob developing advanced technology within the Middle East FinTech sector. His new venture One Call is currently based in Lahore Pakistan which is where Bob originally met Gohar. 

Bob: Gohar has taken this technology to another level. We have been discussing for months the FinTech potential of this innovation and the recent commercial partnership he has developed endorses why C4DI Barclays Eagle lab are so excited about the potential. 

Currently Gohar is organising his business travel Visa to come over to C4DI Kingston-Upon-Hull UK to undertake high-level discussions with the C4DI International ventures team.

Louise: One Call have completed their negotiations with the first Islamic FinTech company MyTM. MyTM is a FinTech platform founded in 2018 that provides mass transit e-ticketing, branchless banking, microfinance services and are already integrated within the existing Pakistani Banking infrastructure.

Before I read up on this, I was surprised at the potential. It is very much an exciting long-term FinTech opportunity due to the market capacity for digital financial services in Pakistan. The Pakistan marketplace for digital financial services will break through US$36 billion in 2025. Currently 90% of transactions in Pakistan are cash based reinforcing the growth potential for financial technology.

The successful outcome of the negotiation means that Gohar, and his team created a new key relationship and MyTM will be the software application that acts as a bridge between the One Call operating system and NRSP Bank one of the leading microfinance banks in Pakistan.

Bob: Since I last visited Pakistan NRSP Bank has advanced in leaps and bounds. It commenced its operations in March 2011 and its clients including the Pakistan Government as well as private institutions. 

It was one of the first regulated providers of Islamic micro-finance services in Pakistan and they have doubled their equity in less than five years. 

One Call will be the technology that supports small businesses on board with NRSP Bank more quickly and more easily. I am delighted for One Call as NRSP is a growing player with 155 branches across fifty-three districts. There is great synergy between One Call, NRSP and MyTM. This three-way partnership will continue to build evidence that this technology is fit for a compliant financial services environment. This is a big step forward.

NRSP is a bank with a goal of opening more bank accounts and to offer financial products and services to its customer base. Since One Call will work for every category NRSP Bank operate in it will support the NRSP bank penetrate the Pakistan market in a variety of categories as well as facilitate effective financial inclusion on mass scale.

C4DI Managing director John Connolly and the rest of the C4DI team in the UK are looking forward to meeting Gohar.

Thank you for the support received so far from Barclays Eagle lab ecosystem manager Amy Morgan.