
Tim Goodfellow - Copywriter

I write words for businesses in various forms and connect with their audiences through social media.

- Tim Goodfellow, Copywriter

Hey Tim, tell us a little bit about yourself…

I'm a copywriter - I write words for businesses in various forms and connect with their audiences through social media. 

What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

I love music and I also play guitar and sing. I read quite a lot, but I guess that's to be expected. I like sampling interesting, quirky beer and discovering interesting, quirky places to hang out. I also love my local church and attend regularly.

What is an interesting fact about yourself that not many people would know?

My stock answer for this is that I own a typewriter but that's kind of in my brand so I'll go with... I was once featured in an Italian woodworking magazine...

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Flying. I think it would be awesome to see everything from above and whizz around everywhere whenever I fancied.

Why did you join C4DI?

It was recommended to me as a good place to grow a business and meet lot's of other freelancers and start-ups. I also needed a base and somewhere to work productively that wasn't my bedroom. So far, it has definitely ticked all those boxes!

Get in touch with Tim Goodfellow via slack or his email hello@timgoodfellow.co.uk.

Other places you can find Tim:


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