
Workfinder - Scale Up Your Business and Provide Valuable Work Experience

We are excited to announce the launch of our partnership with Workfinder, an award winning platform that is focussed on improving employment prospects for young people from all backgrounds by matching them with high-growth companies through their app.

Many members from across the Eagle Labs network have told us that finding talent at any time is difficult and can limit their business growth. This will be even more challenging when resources and budgets are limited during the unprecedented times we are facing now.

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This summer thousands of students will be missing out on vital work experience and this will affect their employment prospects in the future. We’ve teamed up with Workfinder to connect you to this pool of untapped student talent so that you can get vital work done at your company and in turn give them valuable real life work experience.

 Workfinder will match relevant students to work for you remotely on projects such as lead generation, marketing support, market research, social media, product testing and many more.  

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  •  You would run a two to four week virtual project that is designed to create value for your company as well creating brilliant work experience for the student.

  • Projects can run at any point over June, July and August.

  • We appreciate that these are challenging times so you can choose whether you can offer a paid or unpaid placement.

  • If you want to extend the project you can organise this directly with the student.

  • The platform is free to use up to the point of placement. If you make a placement it is simply £100+VAT / student. Barclays will be covering the first 50 placements made by Lab members.

  • Workfinder will support you from start to finish with full project briefs, case studies, templates and best practice guides to ensure you get the most out of the experience.

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Sign up to the platform today - we recommend that where possible a minimum of two contacts from the business sign up so that you don’t miss any of the matches.

Join Workfinder to start receiving applications now.