software development — News — C4DI

software development

Quantum Computing: Revolutionising Medicine, Science and Engineering

Quantum Computing: Revolutionising Medicine, Science and Engineering

In the next decade, we could see computers uncovering some of life’s most prominent puzzles, from world hunger to global warming.

Quantum computing is a mind-boggling topic. However, we have software developer and quantum enthusiast, Steve Bowman, on hand to explain some of the basic principles and how these machines are set to transform the world…

Lambda Functions is Improving the Safety of Australian Highways

Lambda Functions is Improving the Safety of Australian Highways

Michael Clarke is Digital Architect at Lambda Functions and is currently transforming road safety in Western Australia through innovative technology. 

As part of a wider project to replace the existing highway classification method in Australia, Lambda Functions is developing a decision-making system that uses technology to classify the quality of roads...

Arc Studios awarded Best Digital Startup

Arc Studios awarded Best Digital Startup

Software developers Arc Studios won the award for Best Digital Startup this year after being nominated for the award two years in a row. Creating bespoke software for local and international businesses, Arc Studios have evolved from 4 students in a bedroom to an 8-man team providing opportunities for interns and year in industry students to develop their talents and skills.