C4DI-based product design, 3D printing and rapid manufacturing company NFire Labs has launched a campaign to supply much-needed FFP3 Masks and Face Shields to the healthcare professionals for the fight against COVID-19.
“As everyone knows, COVID-19 is putting thousands of lives at risk; medical professionals and the general public,” Alex Youden tells us.
Dr Imran Haq, NHS Consultant Oculoplastic Surgeon
“We’ve designed a new and innovative mask that uses off-the-shelf components that aren’t currently restricted or in short supply.”
The mask consists of some N100/FFP3 filters, anaesthetic masks, medical silicone strips and 3D-printed clips and adaptors.
“The printed parts can be reused as they are easily sterilised,” Alex adds.
An additional clear visor can be added to create a two-in-one breathing mask and face shield that, again, can be sterilised if needed.
“This respirator mask is an ingenious solution to the shortage of available Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for clinicians on the front-line treating COVID-19. Staff are scared given the number of clinicians who have died worldwide treating Coronavirus, and the supply of adequate PPE is essential if we are all to make it to the other side. The beauty of this mask lies in the fact that it utilises off-the-shelf components, and the brilliant design allows such masks to be scaled very quickly, and at very low cost. Please help fund this vital resource to help the NHS fight Coronavirus.”
Dr Imran Haq, NHS Consultant Oculoplastic Surgeon
“As it stands, we’re able to print and supply upwards of one hundred masks, however, our supplies are running low and we, unfortunately, do not have the funds to be able to buy more and keep up with the high demand of these critical pieces of equipment.”
NFire Labs is currently raising money through Go Fund Me to buy more materials, such as folders, 3D printing material and masks, as well as pay their team to come in and help make as many as possible.
“For every £10 donated, we are able to complete one mask, so any support you might be able to give will undoubtedly save countless lives during such a difficult time for us all,” he explains.
Alex and his team are currently working hard to raise enough funds for the materials and labour required to keep up with the demand for manufacturing and distributing these masks. You can find out more about the campaign and donate via the Go Fund Me page here.
A further way you can show your support is sharing the link with your family, friends and work colleagues on social media. The wider we spread the message, the more masks NFire can make and the more lives we can help save.

Meanwhile, you can show your support for our health workers with the incredible vinyl stickers that NFire Labs is also creating to raise money for the NHS. The stickers are perfect for laptops, journals, water bottles and decorating your work-from-home spaces and 50% of all proceeds are to be donated to the NHS.