
Chris Fenton​​​​​​​ | Octovision Media

Octovision Media is an aerial photography and videography company. 

Capitalising on the incredible possibilities of drone technology has allowed Director Chris Fenton to offer clients a broad range of innovative services, including bespoke aerial photography and filmography, Google 360 Panoramas and ground filming. 

One of the projects that Chris is most proud of is his filming of the Hull UK City of Culture’s In With A Bang event earlier this year. Octovision documented the entire event and this piece of film has been used to promote the city on a variety of platforms, including the introduction to BBC One’s Look North (East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire). 

Chris hopes to expand Octovision, recently taking on an intern as Head of Digital Image. Being based at the C4DI has allowed Chris to get to know the community of like-minded and driven individuals, which has in turn inspired and enabled him to grow his business.