
Bob Spence

Hackers, Hipsters and Hustlers - key business skills


Three things make up a startup, Hackers, Hipsters & Hustlers. Hustlers are the individuals that make connections and ultimately help grow your business. To help you learn the way of the Hustler we arranged a talk with Bob Spence, who kindly agreed to share some of the secrets of his success with us. Bob is a renowned author of ‘Executive Programme in Professional & Business Networking’ and creator of E-Learning programme ‘Who do I speak to next’. Not only has Bob enjoyed immense success generating revenues & prospects but he also understands the methods of how he achieved it, condensing it all into an easy to understand formula.

 “Succeeding in business is all about making connections” - Richard Branson 

Entrepreneurs, startups, companies looking to export, Management teams looking to source international partners & anyone who has the ideas but not the connections,  this talk is perfect for you.

Hackers, Hipsters & Hustlers was held on Thursday 19th November, but if you missed it (or would like to recap) you can catch it on our YouTube channel. We'll now be recording all of our talks  - now there are more ways to access our fantastic events and learn valuable business skills.