
Urgent Appeal To All Members

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Josh Barnfather is a 30-year-old robotics engineer and a cherished member of our community here at C4DI.

Dedicating his working life to research in robotics, Josh has transformed countless companies by helping them deploy automation and robotic solutions to improve productivity and efficiency.

Now he needs all of our help.

Josh’s story.

Josh was born with a very rare skin condition known as Xeroderma Pigmentosum.

This is a genetic disorder that means his skin has a reduced ability to repair DNA damage, such as that caused by UV light.

“Throughout my whole life, I’ve learned to live with the condition, covering up during daylight hours and staying indoors whenever possible,” Josh tells us.

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However, he has still had to battle several skin cancers, which have each been successfully treated without life-threatening impact.

Until now…

“In February 2017, I was diagnosed with angiosarcoma, which is a cancer affecting the inner lining of the blood vessels,” he continues.

Since then, Josh has undergone a series of surgeries, chemotherapy, trial drugs and - most recently - radiotherapy, which targeted the lymph nodes in his neck.

Unfortunately, these standardised treatments have been ineffective.


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“Your generous contributions will help to fund these drugs, their administration and associated care,” Josh reveals.

With the help of our incredible community, the C4DI is driving a number of ongoing activities and events to support Josh in raising the funds for this crucial life-extending treatment.

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Events that have already taken place:

  • 19th September: Store at Pier St Launch - a raffle.

  • 20th 'The Josh' Sandwich at Nibble (£380 Raised)

  • 20th Dave Keel Hijacks Digital Awards Night (£500 Raised)

Get these Date's in your diary or donate to support a fundraiser:

  • 27th Bake for Josh via Strawberry at C4DI - open to anyone.

  • 23rd Sept - Run for Josh via C4DI Run team (Fundraiser).

  • 8th November Comedy Festival Quiz Night - ticketed, open to anyone.

  • 23rd November Josh Auction day at Berts Hull - details to follow, open to everyone.

An expert in his field.

Of course, there’s a lot more to Josh’s story than Xeroderma Pigmentosum.

Over the last three decades, he has continued to fill his life with outstanding achievements, completing a Bachelor's Degree at the University of Hull, followed by an MSc in New and Renewable Energy at the University of Durham and spending seven years at the University of Manchester researching for his PhD in Mechanical Engineering.

He has worked closely with a range of prominent organisations, including Rolls-Royce, Hitachi, Nuclear AMRC and the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.

For the past two years, he has been working on his own startup business at the C4DI. JD Barnfather Ltd aims to disrupt conventional thinking, helping companies take advantage of opportunities and emerging robotics technologies.

How to get involved

Donate: please dig deep and donate and ask your family and friends to chip in - Josh won't get there without your help

Promote: If you are an influencer, have a great reach or know people who do - please get them involved in the campaign.

Fundraise: Run a fundraiser and raise some money for Josh's campaign (send donations direct to Josh)

Buy the T-shirt: £15 - profit goes to Josh's campaign (pickup from C4DI only). Order here.

Contact us: If you can contribute in any other way please get in touch

A final thought.

And, whilst his research and work is very impressive, it’s surely the personal connections, special moments and small triumphs that really matter in life?

Life is about feeling inspired, connected, driven, creative and - most importantly - having a laugh.

It’s safe to say that whilst Josh leads the way in the field of robotics, he also sets a shining example to his peers, family and friends.

Click here to get involved or contact Dee at dr@c4di.net to see how you can donate your time, skills and expertise.

Thank you for your support.

The C4DI Team